2018 Black Teachers' Conference
Date: 16th to 18th November 2018
Venue: Bristol
Fee: £354
The NUT Black Teachers' Conference is an annual event that allows black and minority ethnic members to discuss and address issues of equality, education, and the workplace. The Black Teachers' Conference is empowered to submit one motion, selected by majority vote, to NUT Annual Conference. Associations, divisions, individual NUT members attending as delegates, and the National Executive can submit motions to the Black Teachers' Conference. City of Leicester NUT will support your attendance at the conferences, subject to meeting the local application process. You can self fund a place to attend the conferences. What to do if you decide you want to go to an Equalities Conference and wish to be funded by City of Leicester NUT:
Please note that this year the local deadline for applying is 28th September 2018, although the national deadline for registration is in October.
• Contact the Equalities Officer, Camille London-Miyo: camilleleicesternut.org.uk.
• Camille will meet with you and discuss the association's expectations of you. A minimum expectation is a report to an association meeting.
• Complete an application form and send it to the Equalities Officer by the agreed local deadline.
• Funding by the association for your place at a conference will be agreed and communicated to you as soon as possible.
Please note the following national rules:
• The applicant's personal deposit of ?£20 will be returned to the delegate at the conference, but is not returned if the delegate fails to attend.
• Fees cannot be reimbursed if individuals cancel their places, although if enough notice is given the organisers will be happy to admit substitutes.
• If the association has funded your attendance and a replacement is not found, the fee will be lost and the financial loss will be to the association i.e. members' money.
• The Union does not reimburse travelling expenses centrally, but the Leicester NUT will reimburse travel expenses.
Find full information here or contact the Leicester NUT Equal Opportunities Officer Camille London-Miyo.