Leicester District
National Education Union
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Hands off West Gate!

30th October 2021

Following an Ofsted inspection in 2018, West Gate School was given an academy order. Since then, the proposed sponsor has withdrawn, and an Ofsted inspection before the summer holidays graded the school as good. This means that the staff, leadership team, governing body and local authority have turned the school around in 3 years, in the middle of a global pandemic. It's an insult to the hard work of all those people that the DfE are still pressing ahead with a forced academisation and are proposing a new sponsor based in Yorkshire with a single failing secondary school. It is unclear how academising the school would benefit it or its pupils. The Chair of Governors has written to the Regional Schools' Commissioner to request the revocation of the academy order. The NEU has written to the new Secretary of State for Education requesting the same. We will work with members, other unions, the head and the governing body to oppose the forced academisation of West Gate.

In the meantime, please
• like, share and follow the campaign page and pass this information on to all
colleagues in your setting
• sign and share the joint union petition and pass this information on to all colleagues in your setting


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